
Morning shift, 11am-3pm

Late for work, yea... cabbed down to e-hub. Business was ok for the morning period. Not that busy, well GM pay a visit during lunch time. 

Had lunch after I knock off, arcade awhile before going off. I mean out of e-hub! HAHA! 

Thinking bout heading to bugis/home. In the end, home was the final decision. But before that decide to head to dave house to play com. My desktop spoilt - no fm :( my laptop no fm. Yea, so his hse is the idea place. Aftermath decide to head to steamboat @ punggol marina. 

Not bad la the place, just that the location abit wulu luhs. Then ate till ard 10pm, took the shutter bus back to punggol mrt & head back to his house to take back my stuffs before heading home. =]

The steamboat not bad la, $12.80/pax. We had satays as well. 10sticks $6. Not very good, but edible :) 

Chelsea won 5-0 
Liverpool lost 2-1
Arsenal lost 2-1

What a weekend!

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