
Bottom to Top :Kelvin,Terry,Bryan-Kervin,Jon,David

Back from changi,pheew~! Tiring day indeed! & whats more i think english is gone? I don't know pass/fail la.All I know is that the english standard sucks big time,and I just agar agar & do what I can do.LOLS! Omg! Eng & Housekeeping fail? Argh! Lets hope not? Bad hope! hahahas.

Well paper end arounds 12 today.Headed to west mall food court for lunch. Mixed Veg. Rice but did not finish it as appetite was low...then headed to arcade with JJ. Played Extreme Haunter,Initial-D.After that head to mac to revise econs with GW,JJ,Alvin.Didnt revise much though,so after that head home take some rest & went to meet Jon & co.

Meet up at cp,then took 27 head to changi to fetch ker & ohya saw sec sch classmate - BENSON! LOLs,reached the airport T1 at around erm.. 7 plus going 8?Then just nice meet dave at the belt,but it took hell long for the luggages to come out la! FCUK SLOW -.- Saw uncle mike,hahas he was there waiting to fetch my little cousin same flight as ker also.muhahahas so lucky? 

Hungry the us then went to haunt for food after ker uploaded his luggage to his aunt 7-seater car.LOL,went to T2 for some exploration of the restaurants & we decide on Fish & Co. 
Ker - Prawn Pasta + Soup + Passion Fruit.
Kel - Samba Fish + Soup + Kola Tonic
Jon - Sting Ray +Soup + Passion Fruit
Dave/Terry - Fish & Chip + Soup + Kola Tonic/Fish & Chip + a cocktail
Bryan - SwordFish + Soup + Passion Fruit

Photos :
Indo kid's Pasta (ignore the finger)
Terry's & Dave's (just took 1 of the 2.)

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