
Well spend my night at kfc & macdonald studying.Cant really stay focus for the first hour,but after that we got to settle down & start studying.Ohoh the "we" refers to kelvin,kervin & david.Intent to meet up at 830pm.Ended up i reaching at 9pm heehees,used my laptop to take down some Housekeeping Notes & reading up on the Econs Notes.Forgot bring the plug for the charger ended up buying one which cost me my one day allowance - it cost $8.50.My one day allowance 85% gone case.LOL,weds having econ test & follow by tourism test on thurs!Shit,its been so long since i took a test!muhahahas~ Wish me good luck dude! Tmr gonna study at mac again,maybe study econs bah. +_+

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