
move it ppl, its tues.
yea tues.

the last day of holiday for cny!

tmr sch gonna start again.

everyone will goes ...

alright, today went 拜年 at grandma hse :)

gotta like 5 angbao -.-!

better than nth right?
as the saying say, there is no perfection in life.

not all things go smoothly & perfectly.

so what you get & have, u will have to just go along with it.

thats what i believe in.

I believe that if that smth is not yours.

no matter how hard you want it, you'll nv get it.

thats up & down in life. isnt it?

oh well... seeing miss veggie so emo, make me abit emo though =s
but somethings are not worth emo-ing you know..
looking back..
i have been emo-ing for like ... 10-11mths?

before the emo bugs start to ware off slowly...

emo take times!

i been thrugh it man!

maybe i m the only person to like emo for someone for so long...

missy veggie, just wna let you know.

dun care what ppl say k?

though i dno what i say got make u feel better nt.

but hope it does :)

i may not be him,

but i'll help u if i can ^^

& be there for you! @.@

okay i found this song (below) quite nice! enjoy it ppl :)

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