
Working is tiring, after a day of work. You dont feel like doing anything else >.<
Beeen working morning shift for the past 3weeks? =/
Feeel so damm shag, waking up early in the morning at 5plus.
There's pros and con. (if my eng is right :s)
Oh! & something is bothering me..
YES! my asshole s.o.b. tooth, it has gone decay-dead!
& the only solution to it is to pluck off/grow it agn?/pull dunno what =x
I damm hate dental lah! & this happen! {fcuking suay}!
&&& what worst is the dental x-ray found out that one of the wisdom tooth is not growing the correct manner! Which means i have to go for operation to take it out!!!


ohwell... when bad lucks come, nth can stop it right? :(

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